Response Card

Thank you for prayerfully considering involvement in Fellowship Rouge Youth. We understand the weightiness of this task before us. But we are convinced greater yet that as each of us exercise our giftedness before God and for God, and by his enabling, our humble availability will be used by Him as vessels of honour.

Your form submission helps us fit you into what we are doing here at Fellowship Rouge Youth, to maximize both your giftedness and availability.

Please provide your cell phone number so we can efficiently collaborate on Signal.

  • Team Eunice - Consisting of committed parents of youth, on a trajectory towards event and activity planning, execution, and supervision.
  • Team Timothy - Consisting of youth leaders (male & female) on a trajectory towards mentorship development, leading Bible studies, devotionals, lesson planning, teaching, and small group leadership, tasked with assisting event and activity planning and execution alongside Team Eunice.
  • Prayer Team - For anyone who is willing to commit to praying for the Fellowship Rouge Youth. This includes praying for the leadership, the parents, the Timothy's and of course the youth themselves. Your email address will receive regular prayer updates and requests.